Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Graduation Day!

It did not come without struggles or sacrifices, but it was achieved ! Nick threw me a big surprise party and we celebrated hard core! Thank you to all that made it and supported me through out! I know that many of you wanted to come, but could not make it, we understand and are grateful for your love and support! Nick thank you for all the work you put into Saturday! I love you so much and really could not have done this without you! Thank you for loving me!!!! Saturday was such an awesome day! It has made my top ten of best days ever! My family being there, my speech at graduation, my friends, pictures, the flowers, the party, the DJ, all of it! WOW! What a day!
Me and my awesome husband at the tabernacle!
Graduation was all of Provo College but these are my fellow Therapuetic Massage graduates!
My advisor Shellie Snow! She is the best!!!!
My sweet family! Me and Ed and Stephanie- The in-laws!
Seabass and Suzanne~ I was grabbing Suzannes bum in this shot~ lol! My friend Amanda!
Cold little Ashley!
All the boys sitting around the fire!
Conner~Tyson~Noah So cute!
My hottie~ My hero!
My very own personalized cake!
Chris and Dick cuddling!
Jeff~ The best DJ around!
Doug and Amy and their cute kids!
Me my flowers and my sign!


Anonymous said...

Jen, Congrats again! You are the best! Now put those hands to work and make yourself some money....so you can go shopping:)

Jennifer Sciore said...

Congrats! What an accomplishment!

Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

Congrats Jen! I love all the pictures you look beautiful:) Great job!

Kimmie said...

WHAAAHOO! So exciting... You look great!

Tom & Michelle said...

Congrats on being done with school!!! thats so good and now you can do what you like to do and what your good at!!! congrats again!!!