Thursday, September 17, 2009

I don't even have time for a shower!

Please don't be too upset with me! I know that many of my friends and family are feeling neglected and rightfully so! I have not been around and if I am around I am on lock down doing homework or studying or making big projects! I am finding out that I am a perfectionist when it comes to school! I just want to maintain my 4.0 until I graduate. I did get an award for the 4.0 coveted Presidents List and an award for Perfect attendance(no small task)! I am proud of my hard work, but there is always room for improvent, thus my non existance! I do love my friends and I do love my family! This is only temporary and then I will return to the world of the living! If I have had a free minute, you can understand that I gave it to my husband and my kids! Here are a few quick pictures of those rare moments! Thank you to all of my supporters and poop on you if you are a hater! LOL! LOL still! More supporters than haters thank goodness! Thanks again, especially to my kind and patient husband who knows when not to ask what is for dinner when I am heading out the door at three thirty for school not to return until close to eleven! Nick I love you!
August 13th was my Birthday , but the present came later!
It was worth the wait! All I need now is a white basket for the handles!
This is me loving my new bike!!!!!
Ashley's Seventh Birthday and her special cherry chocolate homemade cake! Payson pool for the Parcell's on Ashley's Birthday! August 22!
I forgot their wings so we bought these at Smiths(It's all they had) :( !!! SO CUTE though! More to come later.......


Anonymous said...

You are amazing! Keep it up and don't worry about the rest of the world! We know you love us!
However, we'll be glad when you're back with us:)

Lacie said...

Hey your back on the map:) How cute is that bike! I feel like we live in a different state then each other.....I NEVER see you not even at church. But I can only imagine keeping a 4.0 would take up a LOT of time. I never had a 4.0 or perfect attendance for that matter. GOOD JOB!!

EVANS in the "D" said...

You look cute on your bike. Go you, you're a rockstar.

Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

I completely understand and you kick butt!! I LOVE your bike YAY!!!! Very cute birthday cake for Ashley too:) You will be done in no time! Keep up the great work:)

Joshua and Tara said...

You are adorable on that bike!! Hang in there with school, I don't know how you do it! You are great and always have been able to survive anything! I admire you : ) Kids are so cute as always.

stephanie said...

Ok, who in the world would be able to do it ALL like you????? And still take the cutest pictures and post a blog about them???? You rock girl!! It makes me tired to think of your daily routine. Call if you need anything. P.S. Love the new Bike and how cute you look on it. Love Ya and hang in there!

Tom & Michelle said...

I really love Ashley's bday cake! That is the coolest thing ever!!!! I want the recipe please! And keep up the good work! your a ROCKSTAR! and p.s you look really cute on your bike. ")